Reusable Siri Shortcuts Kit for Notion
Nazar Zhmurko
This product contains 9 different shortcuts for the easier work with Notion API:
- Copy API key: displays a list to choose an API key from(NotionAPI, ChatGPT API or any other API you combine Notion with)
- Get Database/Page ID: uses page/database URL from Notion and gets only the ID from it
- Notion JSON Request Builder: uses database URL from Notion as input, gets information on it's properties, allows you to choose the properties you'd like to fill on page creation request and provides you with a json-formatted piece of text that you can use in the next "Create a page request" shortcut
- Create a page request: uses database url, notion api key, and JSON file from "JSON Request Builder" shortcut and creates a new page
Notion Templater: uses notion api key, "template" page url(the page you'd like to use as an example for new ones), new page url(acquired from "Create a Page request" reusable shortcut)
- this shortcut scrapes the block types from the "template" page and put them into the new page
- Append Text to a Page in database: uses notion api key and database url as input, reads all pages in the given database, asks to which page you'd like to append a piece of text and appends it.
- JSON filter builder: works similarly to JSON Request Builder, except this time it creates a json-formatted piece of text that you will later put in "Query a database" request
- Query a database request: uses json text from "json filter builder shortcut", notion api key, and database id to provide you a list of pages in a Notion database
ChatGPT prompt for Notion: simplifies the experience with ChatGPT
- this shortcut uses ChatGPT API key, instruction text, and input message to provide you with chatGPT response
- Get Notion Icon URL: get the url from the provided page or database.
You'll get 10 shortcuts to use in other shortcuts
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